Thursday, October 23, 2008

Casanova, Damn you Fellini!

Every so often I see a film that makes me cry, and makes me reevaluate a hatred I have for a director. When a director shows me something so personal, so touching and manages to convince me that they were doing something with their work beyond self-gratification. I am now adding another film to the slowly growing list.

Fellini's Casanova. DAMN YOU, FELLINI!!!

I've been raking him over the coals in all of my film classes over the past couple of years because I hated La Strada, can't stand when women are dubbed, and thought 8 1/2 was nice but not something I have to see over and over and over again.

From everything I'd heard and seen of his work, I just kept thinking of Heir Mozart's critique of Italian Opera: "All those sopranos running about screeching, that's not love."

But then this vile vermin who I had stamped into the ground with a constant contempt, had within his filmography this little gem which is not available in the US but just so happened to be playing at the Castro Theatre tonight.

I was drawn into it immediately and it would not let me go. I was caught up in Giacomo's unending string of lovers which tossed him about the world. Fellini gave me a world of imagination and a love note to love and lust and conquest and the futility of that constant chase. We watch a young Donald Sutherland romp around Europe seeing these places at a time leading up to the blurring of the class system. Each one is a sort of pastiche of frantic insanity that acts a portrait of that country's stereotypes. Germany, and Casanova's run-in with Spain are both very memorable, and his stay in Switzerland cemented this films greatness for me.

In all honesty, the only film I can compare this to is Amadeus in my shear love for it. Every scene drips with love and beauty. DAMN YOU FELLINI!

Don't know how you can find a way to see it, but you really should.

I have not wanted to apologize this much since There Will Be Blood (although I still hate Magnolia).

So, as it stands, the list of people who I need to apologize to are:
1) Almondovar - Talk to Her
2) Anderson - There Will Be Blood
3) Fellini - Casanova
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